
Why healthy food plays an important role against diabetes?

Diabetes is an autoimmune condition influenced by the level of sugar in the blood of the patient, and can cause permanent damage if left untreated. However, regulating blood sugar levels is not limited to the use of medication, and the…

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The Miami diet (South Beach)

The Miami (South Beach) diet, developed by American cardiologist (practising in Miami, USA) Arthur Agatston, closely resembles the Atkins diet and guarantees you to lose several kilos after only two weeks. Like most diets, this one has its basic rules….

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Balanced diet for a healthy nutrition

How to have a balanced diet? The “secret” is the combination of a well-executed diet plan with regular physical activity. Everyone is aware of the great value of choosing a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet for the health of…

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The effects of citric acid

Citric acid is an ingredient found in nearly all commercial food products. If you look at the list of ingredients of most food products sold in supermarkets, you will realize that citric acid is present in almost every list of…

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Getting back in shape after the holidays

Beef and pork, foie gras and terrines, mayonnaise seasoned salads, and festive cakes, all leave their mark on our bodies. At the end of the festive season, we can gain up to two or three pounds, according to nutritionists. So,…

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Vitamin deficiencies: causes and symptoms

Most often the lack of vitamins is due to an unbalanced diet. For example, people who have adopted a vegetarian diet are prone to vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiencies. Many of the symptoms, which are attributed to other conditions,…

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How to use sorbitol?

Sorbitol has been known since ancient times with even less scientific enlightenment. Initially, it was part of the composition of fermented wine stored in containers made of lead-containing material. Over time, scientific discoveries have been made that shed light on…

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